What 2019 Has Taught Me

Trust the process.

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Everything happens for a reason”? No joke, it truly does. We are each living our own lives, with different perspectives and opinions on how life should ultimately go. Do you ever look back at a tough part of your life after getting through it and clearly see why each pattern of events had to occur to get you to where you are in the present moment?You learn lessons, and receive blessings at every turn we make in our journey. It all depends on if you actually look for them. Every person, place, thought, and feeling is completely relevant to helping you find yourSELF. It’s important to understand when you are feeling like you are struggling, that there is a higher purpose as to why you are in the situation you are in. Trusting the process of how your life turns out is harder than it seems. We always want to be in control as to what happens in our lives, but we must let go of the expectations of how things will turn out. What makes it easier for myself, is looking back to times where I couldn’t even start to imagine my life as it is now. Every single thing you do is impacting your future in some way. Even a year ago, I never imagined my life would be even close to how amazing it is now. Trust your process, it works out in the end. What is meant to be, will be.

 Stand in your truth, even if your voice shakes.

I dare you to stand in your truth, even if your voice shakes. Standing in your truth means to stand up for what YOU know is right, and true to you. If you feel a certain way, feel it, and don’t let another person dictate what you should or should not be feeling, under any circumstance.Stand up for your relationship, stand up for your perspective, and stand up for yourself, especially when you are being disrespected. Why go around wearing a mask & hiding who you truly & authentically are? Why are you hiding? What’s the point?Even if you are nervous about what people might be thinking, or the feedback you’ll get, speak your truth, and speak it LOUD! To be honest, if you aren’t speaking your truth, you’re lying to yourself. Your voice needs to be heard, and if it’s not acknowledged, look elsewhere for your validation. I am standing for my own truth that has been tried to be silenced after many years. I am not seeking validation from those who can’t stand in the brightness of my light. Instead, I am shining brightly to help those looking find their way. I am not crazy. I am not begging for attention. I am simply who I am, and loving every second of it. I am standing in my truth, always.Stop lying to yourself. Start loving who you actually are. 

Embrace the detours.

Learn to embrace the detours life throws at you. It’s in these moments that redirections give you the time to really think some decisions through, or allow some insight to pour in about if you actually took that route. Detours are a blessing in disguise, as I stated earlier, everything happens for a reason. So if there is a detour, look for the blessing it is bringing you. Sometimes the long sit in traffic teaches me patience, and the feeling of going with the flow. Some days the detour makes me aware of the reactions I have when I get frustrated, teaching me mindfulness. It’s easy to get pissed off when life doesn’t turn out how you originally planned, but it’s a lot easier to understand that there was a deeper meaning to your detour that day. Remember, trust the process. The detours brought into our lives are meant to enrich us with growth, expansion, and patience. It’s all in divine timing.