24 Thoughts on Turning 24

I’m not a big fan of birthdays; I loved it more when I was a kid. After a certain age, it just became one of those days. But recently I had a conversation with a close friend and she explained to me how significant our birthdays truly are. She reminded me of what my mother went through to bring me into this world and she also emphasized the happiness a child brings into a family when they are born and that perspective just made me realize I need to celebrate my birthdays from here on. So from this year, I took a pledge to turn over a new lettuce leaf. This week I’m just diving straight into it. Here’s my 24 Thoughts on turning 24:

  1. I am getting old. Full stop. But I am also the oldest I have ever been and the youngest I will ever be so I thought if I can maintain this kind of attitude every year I will be forever young. I started to wonder if the phrase “I’m old or I’m getting old” is just because everyone says so and hence makes a big deal about it. In reality, it’s the idea of whether or not I will have enough time to do all the things I want too in this crazy rollercoaster we call life. Am I the only one feeling like I’m running out of time? 
  2. I’m starting to enjoy the ride instead of being too focused. Don’t get me wrong I strongly advocate towards chasing dreams and setting goals but I think it’s important to take a step back sometimes, reflect and maybe even rest. If you focus too much on the result you are most likely going to loathe the journey and it will not be as rewarding in the end. You have to be aware of the process, because that’s where the lessons are learnt, that’s where you face your fears. That’s where you grow.
  3. Your twenties are not the years to have your whole life planned out, or have everything figured out. In fact, it can be quite mind boggling and confusing. But it’s the time of exploration and understanding what works and doesn’t work for you.
  4. Stop wasting time. I really have been quite selfish with my time lately. I stopped paying attention to anything that doesn’t allow me to grow or engage me in deep thoughts. Like if there’s a movie I’m watching and it starts to get boring I switch it off, or a book I’m reading that isn’t grasping my attention, I just put it down. You can’t be stuck doing something that isn’t benefitting you or bringing you happiness, that’s just time that you can’t get back.
  5. Someone recently asked me, “Where do I find the time to write and keep blogging with my busy schedule?” And I didn’t need to think about the answer, it’s pretty straightforward. You don’t try to make time or find time to do the things you love, you just do it. If you passionate about something, finding time won’t be the issue.
  6. Eat that second slice of pizza. Life is short anyway. 
  7. It’s okay to lose contact with people along the way. It’s part of growing up and truth is at some point we will outgrow each other. It’s a part of life that is certain so you have to accept it. It’s not easy though to think that some people will eventually outgrow you but you have to let go so that you can move on and that person can too. 
  8. Sing in the car like no one’s watching, even if people stare maybe you will inspire them to sing too. 
  9. You will fail at many things in life and its okay. In fact its more than okay, it means you are trying new things all the time instead of playing it safe. Failure is a part of growing up for as long as we don’t give up.
  10.  People will judge no matter what you do, so I say do it anyway even if you fail at it, you have a story to tell and that’s more interesting than having nothing to say at all. 
  11. Engage in enriching conversations with people of different ages. And listen to understand not just to reply. You will learn a lot from people who are not your age. Whether it’s a kid or an elder, you are bound to look at life differently.
  12. Don’t rush. Slow touch. I’m joking; I swear I did not intend to quote that song. On a serious note, I had a conversation with an influential person in my life a while ago who shared some insight about living life to the fullest, he said: “If you are driving 100 in a 60 km/h zone then you are bound to get a speeding ticket. So why not slow down and abide to the rules of the road. It’s the exact same analogy with life, don’t rush to get to a destination, you will arrive there no matter how long it takes but if you just slow down once in a while and enjoy the view, the journey will be more rewarding than the destination.
  13. Be true to yourself. Be honest. Don’t allow yourself to listen to the voices around you. You must be brave enough to listen to your subconscious mind.
  14. Be grounded in your value system. It not only guides you to make tough decisions but it guides you in making responsible decisions.
  15. Be confident. Even when you don’t know what you are doing just be confident. It’s a way of tricking your mind into thinking you have everything under control until you really do.
  16. Invest time in yourself. There is one person whom you will spend your whole life with and you need to take care of this person before you take care of someone else. Just look in the mirror and you will know who I’m referring too.
  17. Smile. A lot. Even if people can’t see it (since we are bound to masks for most of the day), just smile teeth or no teeth. 
  18.  It’s never too late to begin again. You can always start fresh. After all life does not come with a manual. It’s just a canvas for you paint and you are the artist so your hands are responsible for holding the paint brush.
  19. I read an article a few years ago that emphasized we should do 3 things in life. The first one is purpose which you will find in a career. Second is a passion which will bring happiness and lastly something which brings out your creative side.. Now I’ve found my 3, hope you can too. 
  20. Relationships are not easy neither are all of them permanent but just make sure you are patient and understanding because everyone is fighting their own battle.
  21. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion so don’t hate because someone doesn’t agree with you, remember your opinion is not set in stone, it can change at any moment.
  22. The little things do matter. Like the taste of coffee on a cold winter’s morning or dancing to your favourite song at 1 am. Don’t take these things for granted. 
  23. Be happy, you don’t need a reason, just be happy. Anger is a wasted emotion. 
  24. Live in the present moment because everything around us is constantly changing and when it does embrace change. 

That wraps it up. I have much more to say. I always do. But I tried my best to keep it short and sweet and to the point. These thoughts are mostly inspired from some experiences and lessons in life and since I was doing some much needed reflection over the past week, I thought I would share it with you all.

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